This Is How It Happens

With the recent passing of the legend that is RBG, I've been feeling the weight of things, as have many others. It reminded me of something I hadn't thought about in a long time. I learned about the Holocaust my junior year in high school, like many others. As a young Jewish girl, examining the… Continue reading This Is How It Happens

2 Years is a Lifetime

It appears two years have passed since I last shared my thoughts on here. Two years is a lifetime. I found it quite interesting to read the post I last published (which can be read here if you need a refresher) because it is truer and more evident than ever. America is in serious trouble. As many know,… Continue reading 2 Years is a Lifetime

We Are Being Gaslit, America

My family had a fairly nonexistent relationship with the truth. That's not hyperbole. They lied. All the time. About everything. They distorted events that happened to make them appear different than they were or made up events that never actually happened at all. They constantly told me that my memory of things was wrong and perpetuated… Continue reading We Are Being Gaslit, America