2 Years is a Lifetime

It appears two years have passed since I last shared my thoughts on here. Two years is a lifetime. I found it quite interesting to read the post I last published (which can be read here if you need a refresher) because it is truer and more evident than ever. America is in serious trouble. As many know, COVID-19 is thriving here in the land of the selfish and home of the ignorant. It never had to be this bad. Just look at the rest of the world. It’s not hard to see what the problem is. But this isn’t actually what I wanted to post about today, so here goes.

I wanted to talk about the state of the nation and the crossroad we find ourselves at. Will America remain a democracy, albeit imperfect, and have a chance to create something better or will we fall to authoritarianism and lose hope of something better for many years to come? Sounds dramatic, I know, but this is where we are. There’s nothing dramatic about it really. Democracies have fallen many times to authoritarians in the past. It’s just never happened here. The US is not some special place immune to these sorts of things. If you think about it, we’re a perfect breeding ground for the kind of people who aspire to be dictators. It was just a matter of time before someone tried it here.

It is, however, incredibly maddening to read my old post from *2 years ago* and know that all of what is happening was completely predictable, even for a lay person like me. Any student of history, anyone paying attention saw this coming. To add insult to injury, we have had to watch as those in power, those charged with defending the Constitution and the American people, have done next to nothing to stop this. I could go on and on with examples and proof and links and yada yada, but in the interest of keeping this short and to the point, I’m just going to ask you some questions.

  1. Have you ever wondered what you would do if you found yourself in the middle of an historic moment that would decide the fate of your nation? Now is your time to figure it out.
  2. What are you willing to do to stand up for freedom, justice, equality?
  3. What are you willing to do to ensure democracy wins over autocracy?
  4. What will your answer be when generations to come ask you what you did during this dark period in our nation’s history?
  5. What kind of future do you want for the generations to come?
  6. What kind of future do you want for yourself and your family? (Because the future is now.)

Think about it.

Are you registered to vote? If not, please check out this link, register and make a plan to vote. If you are registered to vote, plan on voting as soon as possible and drop off your ballot in person, if you feel safe doing so. If you are mailing it in, which at this point I sadly wouldn’t recommend, request a mail in ballot early and mail it back immediately. If you’re going to the polls, wear a mask, stay physically distanced and be prepared to stand in line for a while.

If you’re set on all these things, make sure your family and friends are as well. Saving democracy is going to take all of us.


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