2 Years is a Lifetime

It appears two years have passed since I last shared my thoughts on here. Two years is a lifetime. I found it quite interesting to read the post I last published (which can be read here if you need a refresher) because it is truer and more evident than ever. America is in serious trouble. As many know,… Continue reading 2 Years is a Lifetime

We Are Being Gaslit, America

My family had a fairly nonexistent relationship with the truth. That's not hyperbole. They lied. All the time. About everything. They distorted events that happened to make them appear different than they were or made up events that never actually happened at all. They constantly told me that my memory of things was wrong and perpetuated… Continue reading We Are Being Gaslit, America

Being a Highly Sensitive Person in the Age of Trump

For anyone who isn't familiar, a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is someone who has acute physical, mental, and emotional responses to external (social, environmental) or internal (intra-personal) stimuli.  HSPs come in all shapes, sizes and backgrounds. They may be introverts, extroverts, or some combination thereof. Do not make the mistake of thinking that just because someone… Continue reading Being a Highly Sensitive Person in the Age of Trump

No Magic Pill or Silver Bullet

I never had any intention of this blog being about my health, but it turns out, health takes up a large chunk of your life when it's not quite right. So here's a follow up to my last post. Mayo Clinic was awesome. Great facility, excellent doctor, caring staff. If it wasn't in Arizona, it… Continue reading No Magic Pill or Silver Bullet

Normal Is Not Asking Much

I'm sitting in the airport waiting for a flight to Mayo Clinic to see a specialist who can hopefully help me. Actually, I'm hoping this appointment changes my life to be perfectly honest...but no pressure. It's taken a lot to get here, including second guessing if I should be going to Mayo at all. I… Continue reading Normal Is Not Asking Much

Thoughts Before Bed

Not trying to get all Debbie Downer, but sometimes it’s astonishing how little I resemble the person I used to be. Once upon a time, I exuded happiness, excitement, kindness, love, determination…all that is good in the world. Once so full of hope for the future, I now find myself unable to envision a future… Continue reading Thoughts Before Bed

Graduation With a Side of Perspective

My wife graduated from junior college this past weekend. She also got accepted to UC Berkeley and will be starting there in the Fall to finish a Bachelor's degree. Words cannot express how tremendously proud I am of her and excited I am for her. She has worked incredibly hard to get to where she is. Going… Continue reading Graduation With a Side of Perspective